Engaging people as growth strategy – Circular no. 3 “June Newsletter”

By Sandro Guidi
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When it comes to engagement, most organizations want their employees to be happy while working. It’s crucial for each kind of company, reward and recognise work and behaviours that supports the mission, goals, values and initiatives of the organisation. Congratulating an employee on a job well done, costs no money but is “priceless”. When people feel that leaders notice and truly value their contributions, their motivation and loyalty grow. Seems obvious. Is not. So, first advice is to promote ‘congratulation’ best practices among your line managers.

Though often not appreciated, so-called Non-Financial (strategies, can have a stronger impact on Employee Retention. Here some examples:

  1. Freedom and Flexibility

Flexible working arrangements, not only as anti-Covid practice give employees the ability to balance work and personal demands which can help to reduce absenteeism. By offering flexible working arrangements to your employees, it shows them that you care about them which leads to strong loyalty to your organisation.

  1. Career development

Continuous and ongoing professional development helps overcome skills shortage and retain expertise within your organisation. By providing ongoing professional development, you can ensure that your organisation has the skills and capabilities required and that all employees are making the best possible contribution.

  1. Performance management

A well-implemented performance management system can help to achieve the organisation’s business objectives. By providing employees regular feedback, they know what to aim for, when they are doing well and what they need to improve on.

  1. Clear Career Path

Employees want to know they have a future at your company. Your employees are aware where they can start and what can be achieved clearly in term of promotion and career path.

  1. Clear Communication

Obviously unambiguous communication is the foundation for all your other retention efforts. Keep employees in the loop when it comes to the latest developments at your company. People want to feel they are a key part of the organisation and that they play a role in upcoming plans.

  1. Build your own “Employee relationship strategies”

Help employees to set life goals and get focused on where they want to go. Then help them to see how their goals match up with company goals and that they can achieve their goals by staying within the company. Here some Examples of best practices:


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